Color Images

The color images for Recognizing Infections and Irritation in Chapter 3 of Lymphedema Caregiver’s Guide show skin conditions more clearly than the black and white images in the printed book. Please see the book for more detailled information on recognizing and dealing with infections in areas affected by lymphedema.

Figure 3-1 (page 50): Skin or Lymph Vessel Infection

[ Skin or Lymph Vessel Infection ]

Infected skin or lymph vessels infections turn bright or “angry” red, quickly feels hot, swollen, itchy, and is painful when touched.


Figure 3-2 (page 53): Streaks of Redness

[ Streaks of Redness  ]

Streaks of redness going around the limb and following the edges of bandages can be caused by over pulling the bandage as the patient is being wrapped.


Figure 3-3 (page 53): Keep Bandage Roll Close

[ Keep Bandage Roll Close ]

To avoid over pulling the bandages, keep the bandage roll close to the patient’s body (as shown) and decrease the stretch during application. Additional protective padding may be required.


Figure 3-4 (page 53): Small Red Dots (petechiae)

[ Small Red Dots (petechiae) ]

Small red dots or freckles (petechiae) are caused by breaking small blood capillaries in the skin. There are several possible causes of these red dots, if a patient develops them in an area that is not treated with compression, or over a large area of skin, they could indicate a serious medical problem, contact the patient’s health care provider.

Figure 3-5 (page 54): Rash

[ Rash ]

Rash related to bandaging, or other lymphedema treatment, typically starts in the area being treated. The rash will initially appear light red and spread out over the limb, the patient may report that the area of the rash feels itchy or warmer than surrounding areas.

Category: Book Information Updated: 2010-09-20